Better in the morning

July 31, 2008 at 9:20 am (Daily Workouts/Eats)

Things usually do seem better in the morning, huh? After going to bed at 11 last night after a hot shower and then getting up at 8:30 (woke up about 8, but laid there until I heard K2 talking in his crib), I feel much better this morning. My house is still a mess, I still haven’t worked out since last Thursday, we still haven’t filed for bankruptcy so that’s continuing to hang over my head ….. but, things seem more manageable this morning and I’m in a good mood.

I feel like dancing, and the stereo still isn’t hooked up. Wonder if I could figure it out. I’m debating what to do with the morning before I have to get ready for work. Dishes? Tidy the toys scattered to every corner? Vacuum? My bathtub that could use a good scrub? Laundry? Conundrum. So I guess I better get off of here and pick one.

226 this morning. So hopefully not too much damage has been done over the past few days. Today is an AN day, and I’m sticking to it. Going to try and do a SATI tonight, and get back on TWO tomorrow. Thinking about joining Habit Formers on the T-Tapp forum, which commits me to a minimum of 3 full T-Tapp workouts a week.

Going to try and keep Friday as AN as possible, then Saturday relatively under control. Then fasting Saturday night after dinner – not starting at 9 PM, but more like 6 or 7. Let’s keep this show on the road, shall we?

Oh, and I have to admit that part of the reason things look so much better today, is K’s paycheck was unexpectedly much bigger than we had anticipated. The windfall helped so much for me to pay the bills that I intended to pay anyway, but to have a little leftover for food and gas for the next couple weeks as well, which wasn’t going to happen before.

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July 30, 2008 at 12:46 pm (Daily Workouts/Eats)

I’m just so tired. For more than one reason. I’m tired because I stayed up until almost 2:30 to finish that book. But now I’m out of reading material, and safe for the time-being. But getting hardly any sleep really doesn’t do a lot for my dietary will power. I’m tired because today is K’s payday, his once monthly check that looks so huge when we get it and then is gone in a matter of hours. Trying to decide what to pay, what not to pay, how we’re going to live (gas, food, etc) since it is going to be sucked up by bills in moments. I’m tired of constantly being in a state of financial crisis. So tired. The bankruptcy should be being filed within days, but I just don’t know if I’m capable of getting it done. I’m just so tired.

I have a headache today. Isn’t being helped by the no sleep, financial crisis, no eating thing.

Have no idea what I weighed this morning. Considering I haven’t really tried since last Thursday, its probably not good.

Things will look better in the morning after some good sleep tonight. But right now, my world is pretty dim. I thought I was going to have enough money to take my daughter to get a haircut, and that is looking unlikely. I got an inheritance from my grandparents who passed away this year, and I’m fighting the urge to spend it all on bills just to get us caught up. I want so badly to spend it on getting our new carpet installed, getting some supplies for the backyard to fix up the awfulness back there, to get me some new shoes. But that all feels irresponsible when we aren’t going to have enough money to buy groceries if I pay everything I’m supposed to pay. Or gas. Let alone haircuts.

Sorry, this really isn’t about fitness today. But this is what I’m dealing with today, not the fact that I’m fat.

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Let’s just get it over with

July 29, 2008 at 2:06 pm (Uncategorized)

That’s the attitude I’ve taken for getting these books read so that I can get back to my regular routine. I’m on book 3 out of 4, but book 4 doesn’t come out until this Saturday, and I won’t buy it. I’ll wait for my sister to buy it, read it, and then I’ll borrow it from her. So I have maybe a week or two hiatus after I get done reading book 3 where I can try and build up some rationality about not having to read to the exlusion of all else.

Things have not gone well the last few days. I haven’t been following through, on my AN day, being strict about when my fast starts the night before, and I didn’t work out last night.

Now, I’m not guaranteeing that I’m going to work out tonight. I’m pretty tired from staying up late for almost a week now. I’m just trying to ride the wave of getting these books read at this point. Someone I work with suggested that I make a list of to-do’s, which could include doing the dishes, eating something healthy, doing some laundry, and/or working out, and using the reading as a reward for getting my to-do list accomplished. It seems like a good idea; I haven’t decided if I even want to try, or if I just want to get it over with and not have any books to read in the queue.

Back up to 228 this morning. All I’ve really had to eat today is chocolate. 1 and 1/2 pb twix, 2 fun-size (not bite-size) Snickers, and a fun-pack of peanut M&Ms. I’m getting hungry. For real food. But I’m at the office, and we’re in the new location and I don’t know if it would take too long to go find some food from here. Or if I should just wait it out and get home really hungry.

Gotta get some work done. This post has been non-conclusive at best. I’m definitely not giving up – I’ll get back on track soon, within the next couple days. Workout will happen tomorrow for sure. People are just starting to notice that I look like I’m losing weight; I can’t quit now!!

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Weekends – detriment to health

July 28, 2008 at 11:42 am (Daily Workouts/Eats)

I’m learning. I’m progressing. I’m not going to beat myself up because I had a weekend where I ate a little too much this weekend. I seem to derail my progress on weekends – for the last 2 weekends. This weekend was full of family activities; lots of family activities. And hence, eating. Friday afternoon I went over to my sister’s house and spent the afternoon. Didn’t eat a lot there, but I did have a piece of chocolate, a Milky Way egg that was REALLY good. Then K picked us up and we went to his sister L’s house for a coming-home party for her two daughters that spent the summer with their father in Oregon. Pizza, guacamole and chips (not a lot of that), fruit pizza (2 pieces), and 2 sodas. The 2 Sprites was what made me feel like I’d eaten all day long, filling me up way too much. I don’t even remember what nonsense I binged on when I got home. I do know I didn’t work out as intended, promising myself I’d work out on Saturday. I started a book that I borrowed from my sister and ended up staying up until 2:30 am I was so engrossed in it.

Saturday, I got up at 9:30 to hurry and get ready for the haircutter to arrive at 10. I took a shower and got dressed and went downstairs to make sure I was ready to have 3 people have their hair cut in my kitchen. About 10 till, the haircutter arrived. At 10, my sister, her 2 kids, and her husband arrived. The haircutter got started on my sister’s hair. About 45 minutes later, my mom arrived, with my dad and youngest brother (visiting town for the week) in tow. It was like a family reunion while people got their hair cut in the kitchen. Pretty funny, actually. I got some bangs, layers trimmed, and some length taken off. I think I like it. Still getting used to it. My sister and mom got their hair cut, and they were pleased, I think, with the results.

After the haircutter left, my brother and BIL went to get fixings for some sandwiches. We had a big roll-sandwich, chips, lemonade, chocolate chip cookies meal. Saturday night, knowing I was starting a fast, I used my $25 gift card to Starbucks to get us sandwiches, yogurt parfaits, and a brownie for dinner. My sandwich was dry as a bone, the brownie wasn’t good. The only thing that was good was the parfait. Anyway, I ate quite a bit after my fast was ‘started’. Red Vines, granola bar, granola, and I don’t remember what else.

Sunday, I did manage to not eat. I did the dishes from Friday and Saturday Sunday morning. That was about all I really got done. I had finished the book Saturday night, and with such a weird day, I hadn’t worked out. My SIL visited for about an hour Saturday afternoon while K was taking a nap. Anyway, the workout didn’t happen.

Sunday evening after church, we went to Monument for dinner at my parents’. Turkey, scalloped potatoes, salad, brownies. I finished off the few M&Ms in the jar.

Came home, ate a granola bar, a roll w/ butter, some Red Vines. Stayed up until 1 reading after I watched Army Wives.

Today is a new day. I the Slim drink that my mom gave me before I had my oatmeal concoction. I’ve had a few grapes and some watered down lemonade. Need to have lunch, but I don’t know what to make for the 3 little munchkins. I was going to do grilled cheese, but just realized the bread wasn’t thawed. I don’t want to make them wait an hour while it thaws, and I need to feed them something. Not sure what to do. I can do applesauce, but that won’t fill them up. Thinking, thinking. Anyway, today is AN – I will work out tonight. Probably finish my book, and hopefully restrain myself from starting the 3rd one.

I’m considering making the nights when I come off fasts All Natural. I get a little carried away on those nights sometimes. Got in 4 workouts last week, shooting for 5 this week.

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Groceries galore…

July 25, 2008 at 10:33 am (Daily Workouts/Eats)

What I mistakenly took for me having learned the talent of self-control, moderation, and/or pacing myself turns out to actually be just a lack of appealing food in our cupboards. After grocery shopping with SIL F on Wednesday, I really had a hard time staying out of all the yummy food I got. Some of it, I can leave alone no problem. But there were some granola bars, oats & peanut butter (Fiber One brand) that have already gone the way. Wednesday night after my fast was over, 2 of those got munched down by me, along with the 2 vanilla yogurts that I’d bought, to which I added a packet of hot chocolate powder each. That was Wednesday night.

Last night, much to my chagrin, I talked myself into, or didn’t talk myself out of, eating even more than that. And it was an AN day, to boot! After part of a banana and some grapes for breakfast while I went to the hospital with my sister and my mom for my sister’s ultrasound, a yummo salad of red-leaf lettuce, some shredded taco-chicken, hb egg, cheese, grapes, and ranch, I went to work. At work, I ate my yellow baby carrots and snappea crisps, and then had the last two pieces of Il Vicino pizza from my co-workers’ lunch. When I got home, K made a dinner of chicken, corn, and mac&cheese. Instead of the mac&cheese, I opted for a salad w/ grapes, corn, cheese, shredded carrot w/ my chicken.

Then, the kids went to bed, K was at work. I worked out, a short SATI walking workout. And then the eating started. I had the three Fiber One bars that were left, 2 yogurts w/ Kashi granola on them, and a Nature One peanut butter granola bar. Yikes. None of that qualified really as AN, and I should have stopped myself at least after one Fiber One bar. Again, yikes. And THEN, I had 2 small bowls of the Cheerios Crunch cereal that wasn’t opened yet! The only up-side to that is that I discovered that, although this cereal is good, I can leave the rest of the 2 boxes of it alone.

225 this morning. So I didn’t maintain that new low that I saw yesterday. Today, I’m going to keep it to three meals and some snacks. Most of what I really want to eat is gone now, so although we still have more food in the house I can leave it alone. I think I’ll have some kind of salad for lunch again today. Might need to hard boil some eggs. Also need to make a batch of roasted garbanzo beans. But I really want to cook them with coconut oil because it gives them such a sweeter taste than the olive oil.

I’m going over to my sister’s this afternoon with the kids to give K some time to himself and also to keep my sister company while the kids get some quality play time. She got some bad news at her ultrasound yesterday that could turn out to be nothing, or something. She’s having amniocentises on Monday to find out for sure, but her husband is out of town until tonight and she’s tense while waiting for the test. Yesterday she was completely, tragically distraught. Last night she seemed to feel like she can function until she finds out, and then she can deal with whatever the result is. My dad gave her a priesthood blessing yesterday of comfort, and she said it helped a lot. Anyway, A often has yummy stuff in her cupboards that I’m not used to seeing or eating, so I just need to keep myself out of her pantry unless I get hungry and I’ll be fine.

Working out tonight after kids’ bedtime and K is at work. I’ve had 4 workouts so far this week. I’m really trying to adopt my sister’s attitude of working out a minimum of 5 times a week, in some way. She doesn’t even give herself the option of a day off, and it seems to work for her. She’s worked out all the way through her first trimester with this pregnancy, her third, and I just find that really inspiring and impressive considering how tired I know she was and what a handful her first two children are.

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Fasting Wednesday

July 23, 2008 at 10:03 am (Uncategorized)

For some reason, I keep thinking today is Thursday or Friday, but it is Wednesday. The week is only half over, and good thing, too, because I have a lot to do still this week. I’ve got to get the paperwork ready for the bankruptcy that we are hopefully filing next week. I’ve got to go grocery shopping (can you say bare cupboards?). I’ve got to get P together with her cousin Z so they can have some quality play time before Z moves away in a little more than a month. I’m sure there is more: laundry, delivering the ladies’ MK orders, which came yesterday. I have to decide if I’m going to take P to playgroup in about an hour. I don’t want to go, but P hasn’t gone out in a few days and I feel kind of obligated to get her all the play-outside-with-other-kids opportunities that I can. And nothing is happening urgent with work right now, so I could probably get away with being away for an hour or so. Part of the problem with that is I’m not even wearing any pants yet. Can you say, LAZY?

Fasting today. Yesterday was uber-busy at work. Our office is moving this weekend and I’m not ready at all. Hopefully, I’ll be able to focus on getting packed while I’m there tomorrow, because the office closes for moving at noon on Friday. I ate a bagel/egg/cheese sandwich and a milkshake from Pikes Perk that I got walking into the office from the parking garage, and then an applesauce at about 4. Got home, and K had made rice, chicken drumsticks, and green beans for dinner. It was good, but not very filling and I felt kind of deprived to be starting a fast. And I gave into that feeling at about 9 PM by eating about 8 Red Vines and two little bowls (about 1/2 cup each) of Cheezits. But before that happened I did a 20 minute walking workout, SATI. I was down to 226.5 this morning.

I’m tentatively planning on going grocery shopping this afternoon. We don’t have a lot of money, so I’ll have to stick to my list and maybe even skip a couple of list items to make room for necessities. A little worried about shopping on an empty stomach, but the limited funds should keep me under control as far as splurges. Of course, shopping will depend on what K has going on when he gets up today. I know he got home around midnight, but I don’t remember what time he came to bed.

Tonight after I break my fast is full workout night. And tomorrow is an AN day – hopefully that will be a little easier to do with a few more AN choices in the house.

A couple people over the past week or so have told me that my hard work is starting to show. One lady told me she thought I looked like I’d lost more like 20-25 pounds rather than the measly 13 or so that is the reality. I’m hoping that is because of inch loss, but I won’t measure again until August 6th. I’ll take pictures that time, too. My clothes are getting looser and I’m slowly getting into some of my clothes from before the pregnancy when I bought some clothes to fit when I weighed about 220-215. My mom said she was surprised also when I told her I’d only lost about 13. So that is good, right? Visible progression, even if I can’t see it.

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No title –

July 22, 2008 at 9:36 am (Daily Workouts/Eats)

One of my dogs is licking the carpet where K2 barfed. Great. I just got done wiping off said dog’s face – absolutely caked with mud all over his lips, on his tongue, on his nose. Its like he’s been stuffing his face in dirt, salivating on it, and then eating it. I try so hard not to hate him, since it was my idea to get him. Argh.

Back down to 227.5 this morning. Hopefully, that will keep dropping. Worked out hard last night. But then I finished my caramel-toffee crunch ice cream regardless of it being a AN day. Shame on me, but it was SO good. Will start a fast tonight, and I’m hoping to stay so busy today that I don’t have time to overeat anything. Having oatmeal for breakfast and then I have a conference call at 10 AM, then I’ll have to hurry and get ready for work. In fact, going to end this post now to go shower before the call.

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July 21, 2008 at 2:24 pm (Daily Workouts/Eats)

This is the first time in a while when a weekend was definitely a detriment to my progress. Friday afternoon I had the doctor’s appointment that told me, yes, I do have a UTI. By the time I got home I was so hungry I kind of started eating and didn’t stop all weekend. Okay, it wasn’t that bad, but it wasn’t good either. I started taking my antibiotics right away – I don’t remember what else I ate that night, but I did workout hard. K brought home some fries and a shake from McD’s for me when he got home from work – and I ate them at about 12:30 in the morning. Not a good nutritious choice.

Saturday, I got up and got ready right away to go out with my sister and mom for the day. A came and got me around 9:30 and we went back to her house so she could get ready (she’d worked out) and wait for my mom. We left A’s house around 10:40 and went to the mall to find A a maternity dress for a wedding she has to go to next month (her brother in law). Then we looked at some clothes at Lane Bryant – too expensive to buy but some cute stuff. Stopped in at Payless. Then we went to lunch at Johnny Carino’s – which was way yummy. I had some crab spinach raviolis with a white sauce. Mom and A didn’t want dessert, but I got one (with extra spoons thinking they’d just have a little), and it was definitely a three-way split. In fact, I think I got the least of all three of us. It was that good – some apple skilletini thing. Delicious.

After lunch we went to Old Navy and then JCPenney’s, where I found some adorable blue wedges on sale. Then we called it a day. I got home around 4, and soon after that we all got ready to go to K’s sister’s house for dinner. There, we had fried chicken breaded with some kind of parmesan crust, parmesan noodles from a box (not great), and peas. I didn’t eat a lot, but I had a lot of the spinach/artichoke dip that she set out as an appetizer. She made this great layered cake with powdered sugar dusted on it and berries and whipped topping. In between the layers was some kind of cream/pudding that made up for the fact that it was cake (I’m not a huge cake fan).

So my fast started after that on Saturday night, around 7:30. Not really any snacking, but heavy, indulgent meals. I felt it was necessary enough to workout Saturday night that I did it at about 9 and got done around 10. I did the SATI and HTF. I still can’t do a lot of the moves in HTF as fast or as well as Tapp can, but hopefully I’ll get stronger.

Sunday went well, fasted, went to church, taught my lesson, came home, left for Monument for Mom’s and Dad’s. Dinner was steak, sauteed potatoes, green beans, rolls w/ jam. Then I munched liberally on peanut M&Ms. And I mean liberally. That was pretty much all I had after that, but I had quite a few. I also had some lemonade when I got home, AND part of the caramel-toffee crunch ice cream that K had purchased for me on Saturday. I was proud I didn’t eat the whole thing, and I’m not going to have any today. My SIL, F, came over last night and we chatted for a while and then watched Army Wives together; she left a little after 11 and then I stupidly waited up for K to get home. I got to bed about 1:30 – stupid, stupid. So I didn’t get up until 9:30 this morning. And weighed in at 229. Yikes. So I’ve definitely got to get that under control. It could be a mixture of everything I’ve eaten this weekend and also the antibiotics. I’m hoping the antibiotics have something to do with it, because I didn’t think I’d been quite that out of control to gain 4 pounds.

Today is a AN day. I’ve had oatmeal w/ sugar and chocolate almond milk, and a big rice, taco meat, chili beans, lettuce, and cheese salad, and some weak lemonade. Not sure what we’re going to have for dinner but hopefully it won’t be too big or fatty. Then tonight is workout night. Tomorrow night I start another fast.

I cancelled my Bally’s membership today, and am paid up for one more month to workout. I probably won’t.

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Strawberry Indulgence

July 18, 2008 at 11:07 am (Daily Workouts/Eats)

It is a devastating truth to come to terms with; that an overindulgence in something healthy can lead to weight gain just the same as overindulgence in junk food.

To digress for a second, I have a dream to write down that I’d like to remember if only for the feelings it gave me. You’ll probably all think I’m weird, but I’m okay with that. It started out in some kind of weird lab stationed over a boiling lake of lava. Yeah, I know, bear with me. Some evil genius was getting all crazy on everyone and somehow (don’t know if it is was me or the posse I was with that was trying to overcome him) drilled these huge holes in the ceiling that made it collapse on him. And we all ended up swimming away from the wreckage on a little life boat that couldn’t hold us all. I swam back for some lady that we all thought had fallen over the edge into the lava, but I found her NEXT to the beach of lava (wha?) and roused her enough to assist her in swimming to the little life boat, though she almost drowned us both with her sluggishness.
Then, flash to a scene on a slightly rustic road that looks kind of a like a Brazilian road passing some semi-well-to-do houses. I’m sitting in the back of an open car – maybe like a gold cart type of thing? Only its black. There are other people in the car/cart, but I’m in the far back facing back. We see a little smart-car type vehicle and it is carrying Gev, the guy that got kicked off of SYTYCD last night and his dad (again, wha?). We (whoever is in my cart and me) say hi like we’re long lost buddies with Gev as he pulls up alongside us and we stop to chat.
Flash to us driving along again, with Gev’s car following us at a distance. I’m sitting there, not looking at the car following us even though I’m facing it (awkwardly), trying to look like I have thoughts on my mind other than that I feel like Gev and his dad are staring at me. And I just KNOW that Gev is thinking how great I look since he’s last seen me. That I’ve lost weight and am looking hotter than ever. (Wow, this is getting stranger as I write it down). But wait, I’m not done.
Flash to me looking at some houses on this street, that as I look behind them I realize they are backed up against a wall that surrounds a church. It is an LDS chapel, even though it totally doesn’t look like one, being made of a lot of steel-blue metal and glass. The wall is blue, and on the other side of its curved line is a bench that is packed with people. All these people are sitting in their Sunday best, waiting for the speaker inside the building to be done so they can go back in without being rude. Some of my family is on the bench. So I’m climbing the wall; I’m in my Sunday best all of the sudden, and we’re all discussing how loud or quiet the building is and if it affects the value, privacy, and noise level of the houses abutting the wall. For some reason, most of the people on the bench agree that you can hear the speakers talking inside the building, but that it wouldn’t disturb the houses. And I’m thinking, why can the speakers be heard outside the building? That is one loud microphone and/or some thin walls. And no chapels that I know about are built like that.
Flash to us going inside the building as the speaker ends his talk and the service is over and people are milling about as they are wont to do as they chat and get to their next classes. And I see this absolutely gorgeous young man with golden hair and a reddish-golden goatee. Conventionally good-looking. I really don’t remember any other details, like his eye color or what made him so handsome. But suddenly, I was that slightly-desperate, insecure young lady that I was (and still am in some ways) that was always looking around thinking, who will be the one for me? So I went to find my mom to find out who this young man was, most specifically his age since in my dream I think I was somewhere between 27 and 30. I found my mom in the bathroom and when I described him to her, she freaked out a little. Oh, a Miller boy, not a Miller boy, he’s too young, too young…..and so on. So I grabbed her by the lapels of her dress (if there were lapels, but you get the idea) and pulled her into my face – how young, I bark at her (I know, dramatic, huh). By this time, everyone in the bathroom is looking at us, and we try to tone it down a little. She whispers back at me – 16! Argh, how can be be 16? He looked so much older than that! I’m devastated.
Flash to back out in the hallway where the young man in question tells someone (his mother, I assume) that he wants to get the show on the road so he can go home. He sounds 16, but I still don’t think he looks that young.
Flash to us all taking our seats as the Miller (why Miller? I have no idea) family lines up in the front of the room in chairs with the parents in the middle. A lot of my family is there, including my recently deceased grandparents. It was good to see them. Anyway, we shuffle around getting seated and as I turn around to take mine, I see the Miller child at the end of the long row (I swear, they had like 10 children) was someone I used to know. In the dream, anyway. In real life I have no idea who this person was. He was obviously the oldest, he had floppy black hair and was quite good-looking in his own right. He was smaller-framed, and had sharp features and he stood up to start giving little certificates to all the children for various things. He gave the ‘gorgeous’ young man a certificate for saving all the money for his mission before he turned 17. And once again I was struck by my cradle-robbing tendencies.
Anyway, I knew the dark-haired man. And I knew he was my age. We’d known each other and been the best of friends; I’d liked him and found out after we had parted that he’d liked me. But would he remember me? It had been years. Just as their little ceremony was ending and I was getting ready to approach him and see if he remembered me, fingers crossed …… my phone alarm went off. It was 8 AM, time to get up.

So how’s that for a weird dream? Of course, there are impressions and images that don’t transfer well into a write-up, but it was definitely strange.

In other news, pretty sure I have a UTI. Good times! Have an appointment this afternoon at Urgent Care since my primary physician has no appointments today. I can’t remember how it works for diagnosing a UTI, but I’m hoping the only exam necessary is for me to p33 in a cup? I really don’t think they need to look down there, do they? Because it will be a complete stranger, even more stranger than my primary physician whom I’ve only met 3 times.

Oh, and the healthy indulgence thing? I had 3 bowls of sliced up fresh strawberries last night with sugar sprinkled on them (liberally). So not only do I have diarhhea mixed with the discomfort of my UTI, but I weighed in at 227 this morning. Go me! Its okay, the strawberries were BEYOND delicious, and I’ll work out hard tonight, so hoping to be back down to 225.5 or so tomorrow.

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July 17, 2008 at 10:13 am (Daily Workouts/Eats)

Not much going on today. After I get done writing this post (done at home so that I don’t waste any time at the office this afternoon), I’m going to vacuum the first floor and start the dishwasher and a load of laundry. Then I’ll probably get ready for the office. Office this afternoon.

Yesterday afternoon after playing a couple games of pool in the garage with K, I weeded for about 2 hours. Started in the front yard and then switched to the backyard. Got a good portion of the backyard weeded; now I only have about a 1/4 of the main yard to do, not counting the edges where the mulch used to be. Still have a lot to do, but progress has been made. So gotta take that for what its worth and not beat myself up because I didn’t stay out there all night to finish. I came in at about 5:30 for the pizza K ordered from Pizza Hut. It wasn’t good. I had about 1 and a 1/2 pieces and called it quits. It just didn’t taste good to me. He even got the meat lovers just for me. Yuck. Don’t know why, but it just didn’t appeal. I told K afterwards that we need to agree never to order that pizza again; we get a craving for it every once in a while but PIzza Hut is almost always a disappoint these days. I don’t know if it is the one we use that sucks or all of them, but it seems like their quality has gone way downhill. I remember when we used to go to the basement PIzza Hut in downtown London when we were living in the temporary quarters when we first moved there (I was 12). It was SO good!! We all got so excited to be going there. Now, like I said, yuck.

I did, however, partake of the Root Beer a bit too much. It just tasted so good – cold, fizzy, sweet! I finally cut myself off and proceeded with water the rest of the evening. I finished the B&J ice cream in the freezer that K had almost finished on his own; there was about 1/3 cup left. Then I had nothing else until I came back downstairs after my shower to get my phone at about 11. And chose to get in the Red Vines and cheezits. So about 1/2 cup of Cheezits and 2 red vines as I watched some more TV before I fell asleep. Woke up at 3:46 to realize that Cloud was not in the room and I thought I heard her barking downstairs. So I chewed a still mostly sleeping K out for not putting her in the room and went and got her.

So far today on my AN day – oatmeal concoction. Making roasted garbanzos. Going to vacuum. 225.5 this morning. Bye!

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