
April 28, 2009 at 1:42 pm (Daily Workouts/Eats, General Life Updates)

I don’t know if I’m pms’ing or not, but I’ve been hungry the last few days. I’ve been trying to keep it in check, thinking maybe it was the huge influx of sugar Saturday night that has reawakened my cravings, but I’m not sure that’s it. It hasn’t helped that on Friday night I bought a box of peanut butter & oats Fiber One bars and they’ve been calling my name. I’d had one on Sunday as a snack, but then around 10:30 PM Sunday night I got hungry and had another. And then another. Sunday nights are dangerous because I don’t work out, the kids go to bed, and I’m left during my old kitchen-stomping time without anything to do but read, watch TV, or eat. This Sunday was the first in a while where it was a problem; often we go to my parents’ house for dinner and don’t get back until a little later.

Anyway, Sunday I didn’t post a gain after the huge cake on Sat night. It was a low-key day, with K gone most of the day working and the kids doing their usual thing. I made a big dinner, one course of which didn’t even get touched because everyone was full. But it was okay, we had that with dinner the next night (mashed potatoes). I had too many Fiber One bars, but other than that the day was on-plan and relaxing.

Monday night, though, I fell victim to the last two Fiber One bars. Well, I shouldn’t put it like that. I CHOSE to eat them both – they are so good. And I’ve resolved that I can’t bring Fiber One bars into my house in the near future unless I have K hide them and ration them to me as reasonable snacks: at snack time, one per day. They are just too tempting and delicious. I had a good workout Monday night, driven by my guilt with losing my temper with the kids. Suffice it to say that I’m going to be feeling this one for a while and it has renewed my determination to perfect my personality and learn better control.

During the day yesterday was another low-key day. P had school and in the afternoon I did some chores and read a book. K made most of dinner, I just steamed some veggies and warmed up the mashed potatoes while he made some yummy beef tips w/ carrots and gravy. He hadn’t made beef tips in quite a while, and it is always kind of sad reminder to me of how much better of a cook he is than me. But I’m grateful at the same time. A husband who is a good cook and enjoys doing it when he has the time! What a blessing!

Today I’ve done a few more chores, P had school, and now P and K are in the garage getting ready for the Matco guy to come repossess some of K’s tools and toolbox. One more thing gone that needs to go, one more open end resolved. After I get done writing this, I’ll probably read for a while before I have to start making dinner, though I’m not sure what I’m going to make since I didn’t get out the meat in time to thaw it. I might end up making a rice, cream of soup, and canned chicken dinner for the family while I have a simple salad w/ leftover chicken or something like that. I have one more chore to do today besides laundry and the ever present dishes, but it will have to wait until K2 wakes up from his nap; the bathtub I have to clean is too close to his room and too noisy to turn on while he’s trying to sleep.

Now that the Fiber One bars are gone, I hope to have a very clean day of eating. I subscribed to Clean Eating magazine yesterday – I get a free one and then if I like it I pay the invoice. I hope it will give me lots of healthy eating ideas for when I get bored of making the stuff I eat almost every day. Also ideas for making healthy dinners for not only me, but the family.

What with the Fiber One fiasco, I’ve been at 204 since last week, and this morning it was 204.5. So I definitely need some on-plan days to start my weight nudging down again. It doesn’t help that I’m hungrier than normal, but I also hope a couple of on-plan days will help with that as well. I also hope to stay on-plan for chores this week to get the house feeling a little cleaner since I’ve been kind of slacking the last couple weeks on that.

Friday night I might be going out to dinner and a movie with some girlfriends, so I hope to have lost another couple pounds by then. I will contain myself to a yummy (restaurant salads are always yummier than homemadeĀ – but also have more calories) salad wherever we go with no dessert, but I might let myself have some kind of chocolate bar for the movie as a treat. Tomorrow P doesn’t have school, but there is church playgroup at the park if it is nice out, and then we’ll go to have lunch at a friend’s house that has little kids afterwards. Thursday I go to the office. yay.

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